Home-based food businesses may have to cease operations for circuit-breaker period

Customers can't come over to pick up the goods.

Sulaiman Daud| April 25, 2020, 06:45 PM

People running food businesses out of their own homes may have to shut down their operations for the duration of the circuit-breaker period.

Berita Harian reported on Apr. 25 that the Housing & Development Board (HDB) have confirmed that such businesses cannot operate if it involves customers picking up the goods, or engaging a third-party delivery service to send the goods to customers.

Business only allowed to continue operations if criteria are met

According to a notice on the Urban Redevelopment Authority website home-based businesses may still operate provided that they meet the criteria of the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020.

For example, businesses that operate solely online, and do not require its owners and staff to leave their respective homes may still carry on.

Berita Harian interviewed a number of home-based food business owners, who recounted their experiences of having to cancel orders from customers, with others asking for refunds.

However, businesses may apply for an exception at this link.

They can also contact HDB with any queries they may have.

Top image courtesy of Sarah Daud.