This Grab driver spends hours disinfecting his car daily & treats all passengers — even sick ones — equally

He is also equipped with masks and hand sanitiser for passengers who require them.

Sponsored| Joshua Lee| April 08, 2020, 07:00 PM

It's been a challenging time for all with the Covid-19 outbreak, and there has been a palpable air of anxiety as we see the number of cases rising day by day.

To “circuit break” the situation, the majority of our population has taken to confining ourselves at home and telecommuting.

But there are of course still others whose jobs are essential and can’t be done from home, like healthcare workers and F&B workers, and those who need to commute daily. Others might still need to travel, be it for medical appointments, or perhaps the occasional grocery run.

They might wonder if it is safe to take public transport, or hop on a Grab to travel to work.

Safe, not safe?

While it might seem safer to get in a car like this private-hire driver's, others have also been doing their part to ensure the wellbeing of all.

We speak to Grab driver-partner Gabriel Goh, who has adopted more mundane — but still reassuring — methods of ensuring a safe car ride for himself and his passengers.

The 45-year-old says, for instance, that he is very meticulous about cleaning and ventilating his car because it protects himself and his passengers.

Image courtesy of Gabriel Goh.


Image courtesy of Gabriel Goh.

“After every passenger alights, I’ll open up the windows to air the car,” Goh says, adding that he sprays the car with a Dettol disinfectant and wipes down his seats and doors regularly, going through a process that can take an hour.

He also takes care to be more thorough with surfaces that passengers might touch more frequently, such as door handles, safety belts, and air-conditioner vents.

In order to ensure his passengers enjoy a clean and safe ride, Goh can spend up to an hour disinfecting his seats and doors. Image courtesy of Gabriel Goh.

Disinfecting and ventilating vehicles is a measure expected of all Grab drivers now, as part of the ride-hailing company’s enhanced hygiene measures to combat the Covid-19 outbreak.

But for Goh, this isn’t something he needed to adjust to:

“Before this whole situation, it’s actually what I’ve already been doing, opening the windows. It’s for hygiene and ventilation! If the passengers request to open the windows, I’ll definitely agree!”

It might seem low-tech, but good ventilation is actually quite effective in reducing cross contamination of pathogens.

Aside from cleaning his vehicle, Goh makes sure, of course, that he is well before he starts driving.

“I also take my temperature twice a day, as Grab has requested. I won’t work if I’m not well. I keep a thermometer inside the car but I won’t go so far as to make every passenger take their temperature lah!”

Goh even goes the extra mile by providing his passengers — especially those who appear sick — with hand sanitiser and masks.

“For me, I don’t have a preference whether they wear or don’t want to wear, but if they have symptoms (could be like morning sinus or what), it’s not that I’m scared, but ask them to wear just to be safe. I’ll ask if they’re okay and offer them a mask. I keep a box in my car for this.”

Goh has an assortment of hand sanitisers ready for his passengers. He sprays his car with a Dettol disinfectant after every two rides. Image courtesy of Gabriel Goh.

And while one might be worried about the idea of ferrying sick passengers, Goh continues to do so because, in a way, he sees himself providing an essential service:

“I have a fair bit of bookings going to polyclinics or hospitals,” he says, adding that he treats all passengers — even the sick ones — equally.

“They might just be visiting family, or if they’re really sick, they need transport mah! I don’t want them to feel [discriminated against], I’m just sending them from point A to B. If they’re showing symptoms of being unwell, I’ll get them to wear a mask and disinfect after!'

Responsibility for a safe and clean ride though, is a two-way street, says Goh, who has a message for passengers: Don’t discard used masks and tissues or rubbish into the car, and don’t eat inside the car.

Passengers can also do their part by staying home as far as possible, as an infected person can risk transmitting the virus to others, even if asymptomatic.

“I’m ensuring my own safety in ensuring passenger safety too!” Goh quips.

“If the passengers are safe, I’m safe. If it’s good enough for you, it’ll be good enough for me.”

Goh keeps a thermometer and a pack of face masks in his car. He takes his temperature before he starts work every day, and offers face masks to passengers who aren’t feeling well. Image courtesy of Gabriel Goh.

Now that the “Circuit Breaker” is in effect, many services have been shut down. However, if you do need to travel, rest assured that private-hire services like Grab are considered essential and are still available.

If you take a Grab ride, do be nice to your driver and perhaps give them a little tip to appreciate their service and help them tide through this difficult time.

Top image courtesy of Gabriel Goh. Thanks to this sponsored ad by Grab, this writer feels a little bit more assured about taking private hire car rides.