All 7 confirmed Covid-19 cases from Hero's bar cluster are non-S'poreans, latest case is Cameroonian

The first case from the bar was confirmed on March 13.

Belmont Lay| April 01, 2020, 10:41 PM

Hero’s, a sports bar located at 69 Circular Road, emerged as a new cluster on March. 30, as announced by the Ministry of Health.

Currently, as of April 1, it has seven confirmed cases.

All seven individuals who have tested positive for Covid-19 are foreigners.

The first case was Case 192, from the United States, who was confirmed on March 13.

The latest case to be confirmed is Case 940, a Cameroonian, who was confirmed on April 1.


Case 192: Male, 32, confirmed on March 13, warded at NCID from US

Case 556: Female 27, confirmed March 24, warded at NCID, from Australia, Singapore Work Pass holder

Case 657: Male, 46, confirmed on March 25, warded at NCID, from UK, Singapore Work Pass holder

Case 670: Male, 34, confirmed on March 26, warded at NCID, from Australia, Singapore Work Pass holder

Case 714: Female, 27, confirmed on March 26, warded at NCID, from South Korea, Singapore Work Pass holder, contact of Case 670

Case 813: Female, 29, confirmed on March 28, warded at SGH, from UK Singapore Work Pass holder

Case 940: Male, 36, confirmed March 31, warded at NUH, from Cameroon, local linked to Hero’s

How spread might have occurred

After Case 192 was confirmed on March 13, cases 556, 657, 670 and 813 went to the same bar on March 14.

They reported onset of symptoms between March 17 to 23.

Case 556 link between Hero's and Dover Court International School

Contact tracers have since established links between two Covid-19 clusters in Singapore: Dover Court International School (DCIS) cluster and Hero’s bar cluster.

This was revealed in a press conference on March 31 by the Health Ministry’s Director of Medical Services Kenneth Mak.

The DCIS cluster was identified by MOH on March 25.

The DCIS cluster currently has eight cases: 556, 618, 626, 662, 686, 713, 729 and 761.

The linking case in both clusters is Case 556.

Case 556 is a teacher at DCIS.

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