Couple in S'pore clearing broken eggs on footpath not hoarders but school canteen hawkers

There is more than meets the eye.

Belmont Lay| March 22, 2020, 04:24 PM

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A pair of photos showing a couple in Singapore ferrying about 700 eggs in a trolley, and the aftermath of them having to pick the broken ones off the ground, was shared widely on March 21.

Based on the images alone, many online commenters labelled the couple as hoarders as they were seen with an unusual number of eggs in their possession and on the back of news that Singapore has received 300,000 eggs for domestic consumption from Thailand to avert any fears of shortages.

Not hoarders but hawkers

However, the actual backstory to the couple has since surface, thanks to a person who posted clarifications online surrounding the eggs' providence and the nature of the couple's business.

The information clarifying the matter was apparently passed on first-hand from the couple's child, who also said a police report was going to be made due to the online rumours and accusations levelled against the couple.

The couple are said to be school canteen hawkers and the photo showed them having just secured the eggs from the supermarket after dropping their supplier due to a quality issue.

The eggs were to be used for their business when school reopens.

The post clarifying the events was put up on Facebook on March 21:It said:

These are my friend’s parents. I know them personally and they are honest and hardworking hawkers at a local school. It’s sad that they are now being brand as hoarders and being ridicule on social media. But in actual fact, they needed the eggs for their business. They recently dropped their egg supplier due to quality issue hence had to purchase eggs from the market. Please help to spread the truth.

Background from my friend:

“Fake news just reached my door step. My parents couldn’t get eggs yesterday because everywhere were sold out by hoarders and finally found a supplier who could sold them eggs in time for new school term to open. Now they have been branded as hoarders when they need the eggs for their business in the school. Can i ask you guys to help me spread the *truth*? I am filing a police report and gonna do the same to the POFMA office while also highlighting to FB that these are false news.”