MPA debunks Ronan Keating's IG post, adds #WeCouldntSayNothingAtAll


Mandy How| March 02, 2020, 07:08 PM

On Mar. 2, Ronan Keating made headlines in Singapore for his Instagram post.

The Irish singer claimed that ships were not allowed to dock in Singapore due to the Covid-19. situation.

While many of his followers have pointed out in the comments section that that is untrue, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has also uploaded their own Instagram post to debunk Keating.

No vessels turned away due to Covid-19 outbreak

MPA said that they were glad Keating caught a glimpse of Singapore's busy port.

The authority also clarified that while enhanced precautions are in place, no cargo vessels have been turned away due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

MPA added that they are working round the clock to ensure that everything goes on as normal.

They then added the hashtag "WeCouldntSayNothingAtAll".

You can read their post here:

Top image via MPA and Ronan Keating's Instagram page