Stories of Ellen Degeneres being a mean & terrible person surface after comedian calls her out


Mandy How| March 24, 2020, 12:24 PM

On Mar. 21, comedian Kevin T. Porter asked for a little kindness from his followers — by telling stories of Ellen Degeneres being mean.

Calling Degeneres "one of the meanest people alive", Porter pledges to donate S$2 to the LA Regional Food Bank for every story.

And judging from the responses, it seems Porter may have to break bank.

The tweet has gotten more than 6,400 retweets, 41,000 likes, and 1,500 comments.

Here are some horror stories of the 62-year-old TV host, as told by employees, wait staff, and industry peers.

For one, she seems to really have a thing against chipped nails.

Several people have come up with incidents of Degeneres allegedly ignoring her staff on purpose.

The staff were reportedly not allowed to make eye contact with the TV host, either.


Among all the horror stories, though, someone came forward with a positive experience.

Two days later, Porter counted about 300 stories of Degeneres, and donated S$600 to the food bank.

While Degeneres has not directly addressed the accusations so far, followers felt that she was responding indirectly to it in a video of her building LEGO, according to The Mirror.

Top image via Ellen Degeneres' Facebook