'Does not make sense' that cats can be kept in condos but not HDB flats: Louis Ng

Ongoing conversation.

Mandy How| March 04, 2020, 07:49 PM

The subject of keeping pet cats in HDB flats has once again been brought up.

Speaking at the Committee of Supply debates on Mar. 4, Nee Soon GRC MP and founder of Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES), Louis Ng, said that "it does not make sense" that someone who lives in a condominium is allowed to keep a pet cat, while those residing in a HDB flat are not allowed.

HDB's concerns about cats being difficult to contain would surely applies to condominium residents as well, Ng reasoned.

"Some condos units are even smaller than HDB flats. It also doesn't make sense that one is allowed to keep a dog, and now a big dog, but not a cat. Not even a little kitten."

Ng also said there are measures that can be taken to prevent cats from becoming an inconvenience to others.

As long as the cat is sterilised, it will not make caterwauling sounds, Ng said.

Ng also mentioned that he has seen "firsthand" how "simple measures" can be taken to keep the cats from affecting neighbours, and asked if the Ministry of National Development (MND) will consider officially allowing HDB residents to keep cats.

In response, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for MND Sun Xueling said that they are continuing to have conversations around "how to best strike a balance between residents who are pet lovers and those who are not".

HDB will also work with NParks to take a "holistic and balanced approach" in reviewing and updating its pet ownership policies, she concluded.

Top image via Cats and kittens for adoption in Singapore on Facebook