Bhutan reports its first case of Covid-19

According to health officials, the infected tourist came into contact with close to 90 people in Bhutan.

Sumita Thiagarajan| March 06, 2020, 02:59 PM

The Prime Minister of Bhutan confirmed its first case of Covid-19 on Friday (Mar. 6) after a U.S. tourist tested positive, reported the Straits Times (ST).

Temporary ban on foreign visitors for two weeks

According to ST, the government has restricted entry at its borders for all incoming tourists for two weeks, with effect from Mar. 6, in an effort to limit the spread of the virus.

It was reported that the government of Bhutan announced the closure of schools and institutes in Thimphu, Paro and Punakha for two weeks, starting from March 6.

Tourist with Covid-19 came into contact with close to 90 people in Bhutan

The male tourist who tested positive for Covid-19 was a 76-year-old who arrived in Bhutan from India on Mar. 2, 2020.

In a Facebook post by a Indian News Agency from Sikkim, the patient is from the U.S. and had entered the country from Paro International Airport via Drukair flight KB241 from Guwahati, India.

He was taken to the hospital on Mar. 5, where he was found to have the virus, reported ST.

The patient was touring India from Feb. 21 to Mar. 1, 2020, and has travelled to many places in Bhutan, reported Talk Sikkim.

The patient left Washington on Feb 10 and health officials say they have traced roughly 90 people who have come into contact with him in Bhutan, reported ST.

Currently, the patient's 59-year-old partner, driver and guide are all under quarantine and no one is currently showing symptoms of Covid-19.

According to ST, eight Indian nationals who arrived in Bhutan with the patient have also been quarantined.

Here's the full Facebook post:Top photo via Adli Wahid/Unsplash