Hugh Jackman stands up for bullied suicidal 9-year-old Australian child with dwarfism


Nyi Nyi Thet| February 21, 2020, 05:47 PM

A video of a nine-year-old Australian boy, Quaden Bayles, crying uncontrollably while saying he wanted to end his life because of bullying in his school, was livestreamed by his mother.

In the video, Quaden's mother, Yarraka, talked about how much grief Quaden had to go through everyday.

She talked about how she felt she was failing as a parent, and how the education system was failing her child.

Quaden can be heard saying "give me a knife now" and that he wanted to stab himself in the heart.

And that he wanted someone to kill him.

Yarraka stated that the anti-bullying material out there is extremely insufficient as well.

Here's the video.

Quaden's mother also took to Australian media to explain why just one person pointing out his difference can impact Quaden so much.

In it, he mentioned how he didn't like people looking at him.

Quaden's mother told NITV News that the trigger for the initial breakdown was how classmates had patted him on the head and made references to his height.

He had also attempted suicide at the age of six when his grandfather died.

His anti-bullying message has touched people all over the world, including Hugh Jackman, and other celebrities.

Here's Jackman standing up for his newfound friend.

"Quaden, you're stronger than you know, and mo matter what, you have a friend in me."

Other celebrities have stepped up for Quaden as well.

An Australian comedian Brad Williams has even raised nearly US$200,000 in just over a day.

And apparently Fiji Airways is chipping in as well.

Stay strong Quaden.

Support hotlines for those seeking help

If you or someone you know are in mental distress, here are some hotlines you can call to seek help, advice, or just have a listening ear:

Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444

Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019

Institute of Mental Health’s Mobile Crisis Service: 6389-2222

Care Corner Counselling Centre (Mandarin): 1800-353-5800

Image from YouTube and Hugh Jackman Twitter