German YouTuber speaks up for China after follower experiences racism due to virus outbreak

'Don't isolate China, isolate the virus.'

Mandy How| February 06, 2020, 11:33 PM

A German YouTuber has spoken up for Wuhan and China after one of his followers experienced racism while studying abroad.

A Fu Thomas, a lifestyle personality who speaks better Mandarin than most of us, is based in Shanghai with his Chinese wife.

Insulted and humiliated

A Fu explained that a follower's message had made him very upset.

While he normally speaks Mandarin in his videos, A Fu is using English this time as he wants more people to understand him.

In the message, the follower told A Fu that he was studying abroad, far away from China where his family lives.

Everyday, he feels anxious about the situation in his home country, as well as his family's health.

On top of that, the follower has been encountering racism from locals.

People have been calling him names, avoiding contact with him, and even insulting and humiliating him, as if the outbreak was his personal fault.

A Fu said that he felt "so ashamed" when he reads such messages.

The YouTuber also revealed that his Chinese and Asian friends have been experiencing similar incidents.

Therefore, he decided to make a video on what he has witnessed in China, amidst the epidemic.

China is working hard to fight the virus

According to A Fu, everyone in the country is working hard to combat the virus, from medical staff to construction workers.

The city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus originated, has already been locked down to contain the spread.

China is also speed-building hospitals to treat and isolate the infected.

Thousands of workers were toiling round the clock to make it happen:

A Fu adds that most of the citizens are "very responsible", and are going out as little as possible.

If they do, they wear a mask and make sure to wash and disinfect their hands.

In the beginning, A Fu confesses, he was afraid as well, which is why he could understand why others would be panicking about the situation.

However, he realised that being afraid would not help anything.

To play his part, A Fu is currently imposing a self-quarantine, like most people around him.

As global citizens living on the same planet, he says, the first thing people should think of is how to help one another.

As of Feb. 6, 2020, the death toll in China has risen past 560 and infected more than 28,000.

You can watch his video here:Top image via A Fu Thomas on Facebook