5 S'poreans aboard quarantined Japanese cruise ship

They are in contact with the Singapore Embassy in Tokyo.

Ashley Tan| February 07, 2020, 12:50 PM

A Diamond Princess cruise ship has been quarantined off the waters of Yokohama after a passenger disembarked and tested positive in Hong Kong for the coronavirus.

The 3,700 passengers and crew members are currently stranded aboard the ship for two weeks.

All five are well

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) told Mothership on Feb. 7, 2020, that five of the passengers are Singaporeans.

MFA stated that all five have reported that they are physically well.

The Singapore Embassy in Tokyo is also in contact with the group to provide the necessary consular assistance.

There are currently 61 confirmed cases of the virus aboard the vessel. This is the third day of the ship's quarantine.

41 new cases were announced on Feb. 7, with approximately half of these comprising Japanese nationals.


The remaining patients hail from the United States, Canada, Argentina, Britain and Australia.

These 41 patients will be conveyed hospitals in various prefectures for treatment.

Currently, none of the patients exhibit severe symptoms.

10 cases were initially reported on Feb. 6, but the sharp increase today is likely due to the passengers occupying a confined space for a prolonged period of time.

Cases in Singapore

Singapore currently has 30 confirmed coronavirus cases as of Feb. 6.

Two of the new cases, a 41-year-old male Singapore citizen and a 27-year-old male Singapore Citizen, have no recent travel history to mainland China.

The 41-year-old appears to have no links to the any of the previous cases as well.

However, this lack of apparent links could be due to such information not being discovered yet, or it could be evidence of a community spread.

Top photo from 煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle / YouTube