Video shows yellow car hitting elderly cyclist in Maserati accident at Cantonment Road

The yellow car left the scene after hitting the elderly cyclist.

Zhangxin Zheng| January 06, 2020, 10:19 AM

A fatal accident happened around 5:45am on Jan. 5, 2020, along Cantonment Road.

The accident involved two cars — a red Maserati and an unidentified yellow car, as well as a power-assisted bicycle.

What happened

The red Maserati was allegedly going against the traffic when it hit a 69-year-old cyclist at a pedestrian crossing.

The cyclist was pronounced dead at scene by paramedics, according to the police.

The 25-year-old driver of the red Maserati was arrested for dangerous driving causing death.

The police are also aware that a yellow car hit the victim after the accident with the red Maserati.

The yellow car, however, fled the scene before the police's arrival.

Video showing injured cyclist hit by yellow car

On Jan. 6, videos revealing the hit-and-run involving a yellow car were circulated online.

The car was allegedly a yellow/lime green Toyota Sienta or Honda Freed.

The video showed that the red Maserati was stationary in the middle lane after the accident, while the victim was lying on the lane nearer to the pedestrian pathway.

Screenshot via Facebook video.

A man in black was on the phone as he walked from the left towards the Maserati when another red car arrived at scene.

Screenshot via Facebook video.

Screenshot via Facebook video.

As the man in black was speaking to the driver in the red car, another yellow car drove past the scene and ran over the victim.

The victim sustained additional trauma due to the impact and the yellow car went out of frame.

Screenshot via Facebook video.

Screenshot via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook

Screenshot via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook

Police investigations are ongoing.

Top photo collage via SG Road Vigilante/Facebook and Isa Lynn/Facebook