Visually-impaired busker, 60, gets tips money stolen at Yishun underpass

His family has helped to make a sign asking the public to keep a lookout for thieves.

Julia Yee | August 13, 2024, 09:20 PM



Regular visitors to Northpoint City may be acquainted with music flowing through the tunnel connecting the mall to Yishun MRT station.

The performing artiste in question is none other than the "Orchard Road Uncle", a 60-year-old visually-impaired busker who first made his name performing in Orchard Road many years ago.

Along with his instruments and tip box, something new was recently added to his busking set-up: An anti-theft notice.

Money stolen

According to Shin Min Daily News, the busking veteran, who goes by the name Leo, moved to Yishun in 2014.

These days, the underground pass linking the mall and MRT station is his regular busking area.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

Speaking to the Chinese news outlet, Leo said he'd been alerted to people swiping his tips while he was in the toilet.

Having started busking along Orchard Road in 1992, Leo shared that he'd encountered thieves while playing guitar and singing on the streets before, but did not expect it to be a reoccurring problem.

Note to public

Leo's family has helped him put up a sign imploring passersby to help keep a lookout for thieves.

This was taped onto his tip box:

Image via Shin Min Daily News

"After all, I can't see, so it's really hard to prevent this from happening. That's why I need the public's help," the busker said.

Leo, who is considered a pioneer in Singapore's busking scene having honed his craft since the 1990s, said he only aims to make enough for his daily expenditure these days.

Before the pandemic, he would give his excess takings from busking to the National Arts Council to give back to the arts community.

With regards to the thievery that has occurred, the busker's sister told Shin Min that the public has been having her brother's back: "Fortunately, there are more good people than bad people in Singapore."

Top images via Shin Min Daily News