Woman in China wears 7cm-thick platform Crocs, falls down stairs, fractures leg

Now doesn't recommend it.

Ruth Chai | June 06, 2024, 12:12 PM



A woman in China went public about her experience of fracturing her leg after wearing 7cm-thick platform Crocs.

Photo via Weibo

The woman, surnamed Wu, from Lanzhou, Gansu province said she had been wearing the Crocs when she tripped and fell down a flight of stairs.

She ended up suffering a comminuted fracture in her left leg.

A comminuted fracture is a fracture where a bone is broken in two or more places.

Photo via Weibo

Design offers insufficient support

Wu said she lost her footing and balance while going down the stairs, causing her to fall forward.

As a result of the fall, she had to undergo surgery, and it may take three months for the fracture to fully heal.

After being sent home to rest, she posted on Weibo that her surgery had gone smoothly, and warned others against wearing platform shoes.

She added that she has to use crutches to get out of bed, and cannot stand for long periods of time.

The soles of Crocs are designed to be thick, soft, and curve inwards towards the centre of the foot.

However, this leads to a lack of support and protection for the feet.

According to Healthline, Crocs apparently lack arch support, which can eventually lead to the wearer developing plantar fascilitis, a condition where the wearer feels pain at the bottom of their heel and sometimes at the bottom mid-foot area.

The lack of heel support can eventually lead to the wearer developing pain and tendonitis of the heel.

The lack of heel support can additionally make it more difficult to maintain stability, making one more likely to trip and fall.

Top photo via Weibo and X