Another ‘mysterious’ monolith appears, this time in Las Vegas, Nevada desert


Belmont Lay | June 20, 2024, 04:58 PM



Another “mysterious” monolith has been spotted, this time on a Las Vegas hiking trail in Nevada.

This is according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD), which posted about the strange artefact that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and in pristine condition.

It was discovered over the weekend near Gass Peak north of Las Vegas, the department said.

“We see a lot of weird things when people go hiking like not being prepared for the weather, not bringing enough water... but check this out,” the department wrote in a Facebook post on Jun. 18.

“How did it get up there?”

Artefact not new?

However, online commenters have since claimed the monolith is not actually new.

“Anyone who lives on the west side sees this weekly,” one commenter wrote under the LVMPD’s Facebook post.

“Yes! Been seeing this for years,” wrote another.

The comments section elicited many other responses about aliens and a higher power at work, while some contended that it was merely a work of art.

Previous monoliths

The same was said of similar monoliths that popped up around the world previously.

A 10-foot silver monolith was discovered in late 2020 by a helicopter crew flying over a Utah desert.

It disappeared a week later.

Others were subsequently spotted.

Similar structures appeared on a California mountaintop, a forest in Romania, and the Isle of Wight off England’s south coast.

Sightings have largely slowed down since 2021, which was the height of the pandemic.

Prior to this Nevada one, one was spotted in Wales in March 2024.

The person who spotted it was on a walk up a hill.

Previously, designer Tom Dunford claimed to the BBC in December 2020 that he erected the monolith on the Isle of Wight, “purely for fun”.

Top photos via LVMPD