Lexus driver uses grass patch as parking lot at Yishun stadium

Do at your own risk.

Daniel Seow | June 25, 2024, 04:21 PM



Parking space is tight in Singapore, and lots are hotly contested in certain carparks.

One Lexus driver seemed to have adopted a unique "solution" in a Yishun carpark — parking their car in a conveniently parking-lot-shaped grass patch between two parking lots.

The unusual scene was spotted in a crowded carpark outside the Yishun ActiveSG Stadium and shared in a Jun. 20 post on the "SG traffic news" Facebook group.

Image from SG traffic news / Facebook.

The post humorously referred to the driver as a "parking champion".

Convenient but not meant for parking

The flat grass patch used by the Lexus was incidentally sandwiched between and level with two other parking lots but did not share the same markings.

The Lexus was parked neatly within the grass patch with ample space on both sides.

Yet it was clearly not meant for parking, as the double-yellow lines in front of the patch indicated.

Based on the picture, it did not look as if the particular driver had received a summons.

There were other similar grass patches throughout the carpark, but some were occupied by trees.

Here's what the actual lot looks like:

Image from Google Maps.

A mistake or thinking out of the box?

The post triggered differing opinions among online users, some of whom thought the driver had mistakenly parked there.

Screenshot of comment from SG traffic news / Facebook.

Screenshot of comment from SG traffic news / Facebook.

Others commended the driver for their resourcefulness.

Screenshot of comment from SG traffic news / Facebook.

Screenshot of comment from SG traffic news / Facebook.

"Thinking out of the lot," one quipped.

Another user pointed out that the empty patch might have previously housed a tree or fire hydrant.

It's likely illegal

For those tempted to try this, do bear in mind that it's likely illegal.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) website indicates that it is an offence to park your vehicle outside of stipulated areas.

Both parking a car on the grass verge of a road or along a double yellow line carries a fine of S$70 for first-time offenders.

Top image from Google Maps & SG Traffic News / Facebook