Over 500 Hajj pilgrims reportedly dead as temperature soars to 49°C in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Thousands were also treated for heatstroke.

Keyla Supharta | June 20, 2024, 12:20 PM



Hundreds of people have reportedly died, with thousands treated for heatstroke while performing this year's Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as the temperature soared up to 49°C.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt have yet to comment or release an official statement on the death toll, which is expected to rise, AP News and CNN reported.

"A lot of people collapsing to the ground unconscious"

According to AP News, an Indian pilgrim saw "a lot of people collapsing to the ground unconscious" during the Hajj this year.

Some people also fainted while trying to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil, known as Rami al-Jamarat.

While an official death toll has not yet been released, one list spreading online suggested at least 550 people have died during the five-day pilgrimage, said AP.

An unnamed medic who spoke to AP stated that the names on the list "appear to be genuine".

AFP (via Straits Times) also cited an unnamed "Arab diplomat" who claimed that 600 Egyptians have died, which would bring the total death toll to over 900.

Deaths among pilgrims are not uncommon at the Hajj.

More than 200 people, many from Indonesia, died during the Hajj last year, according to Indonesian media The Jakarta Post.

Stampedes have also been observed in previous years.

Crowd management and safety precautions

Saudi Arabia invests billions of dollars in crowd management and safety precautions for those participating in the annual five-day Hajj pilgrimage, but the large number of participants makes it difficult to ensure their safety.

The country on Monday (Jun. 17) advised pilgrims against performing the Rami al-Jamarat, or the rite of "Stoning the Devil", between certain hours after temperatures soared to 49°C.

Hajj authorities have been urging pilgrims to carry umbrellas and remain hydrated amid intense heat.

The Saudi Arabian army has also deployed more than 1,600 personnel equipped with medical units specifically trained to handle heatstroke, along with 30 rapid response teams.

An additional 5,000 health and first aid volunteers have also been enlisted to provide assistance during the pilgrimage.

1.8 million people participating in Hajj this year

The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam.

It is mandatory for Muslims who are financially and physically able to make the pilgrimage to the holy city at least once in their life.

Millions of Muslims across the world travel to Mecca to perform Hajj each year.

This year, more than 1.8 million people are participating in the Hajj, according to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics.

The month of pilgrimage is the concluding month of the Islamic calendar year.

It varies every year and falls in June this year, one of the hottest months in Saudi Arabia.

Mothership has contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Muis for comment.

Top image via Konevi/Unsplash.