Boy & girl seen poking their heads out of GetGo car's sunroof at Marina Bay


Ruth Chai | May 19, 2024, 06:14 PM



Two children were seen poking their heads through the sunroof of a GetGo car at Marina Bay.

A Mothership reader said that he observed the incident on May 19 at around 2:20pm, when he was travelling from near the Marina Bay Cruise Center towards the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE).

He shared photos of the incident, which showed a girl with her head and torso sticking out of the sunroof of the grey Mazda.

Photo via Mothership reader

In another photo, a boy, wearing a yellow shirt, can be seen standing beside the girl.

Photo by Mothership reader

The reader also shared that the car was travelling quite slowly. The duo remained in this position for a few minutes until they noticed the Mothership reader taking pictures of them.

They then retreated back into the car.

Actually an offence

In Singapore, it is an offence for passengers in a car to not wear their seat belt.

Passengers under 1.35m tall will also need to be secured with an appropriate restraint, such as a child booster seat, according to the Road Traffic Act.

Top photo via Mothership reader