Woman, 63, steals gold chain from man, 76, in Geylang hotel without giving him S$40 massage

She left while he was in the toilet and wanted to flee to Hong Kong.

Khine Zin Htet | August 16, 2024, 06:55 PM



A 63-year-old woman from Hong Kong agreed to give a 76-year-old Singaporean man a massage in a hotel in Geylang for S$40.

However, when the man came out of the toilet, he discovered she had left the hotel room.

He then looked around and brought back another woman for his massage.

After he finally had a massage, he opened his bag to pay the masseuse.

That was when he discovered his S$5,000 gold chain missing.

Met at Geylang

According to court documents, on Jul. 31, 2024, at around 1pm, Chen met the man while she was having lunch in the vicinity of Geylang.

They both agreed to a price of around S$40 for Chen to give him a massage.

Around 30 minutes later, they went to a hotel room where the victim removed his gold chain before taking a shower.

He placed the chain in his bag.

Chen then took the chain from his bag while he was in the shower and returned to her place of residence at Lorong 22 Geylang.

Planned to leave Singapore

Once back at her house, Chen packed her luggage, hid the gold chain, and immediately took off for Changi Airport.

She wanted to return to Hong Kong on a flight scheduled for the next day at 4:20pm.

She originally wanted to return to Hong Kong because she ran out of money.

As she had no money, Chen couldn't afford a room at any nearby hotel, which at the time reported rates of at least S$250 per night. She ended up loitering around the airport for a while.

She then returned to her Geylang residence soon after.

Man discovered missing gold chain

Back in the hotel room, the victim came out of his shower to find Chen missing.

After finding another woman to give him a massage and eventually discovering his gold chain missing, he called the police at about 2:10pm.

Woman arrested

The police tracked Chen down to her residence at about 6:40pm and arrested her.

She admitted to stealing the gold chain.

The gold chain was recovered by the police and returned to the victim.

Cried during court hearing

Chen pleaded guilty to one count of theft on Aug. 15.

According to Shin Min Daily News, she kept crying before the hearing and begged the interpreter to tell the judge she had to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible for her medicine and would "die" if she couldn't.

She was eventually fined S$5,000.

The judge also ordered her to serve a two-week jail term if she couldn't pay the fine.

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