Child's leg gets stuck in escalator at Rivervale Mall, rescued by SCDF

Several firemen were seen at the scene of the incident.

Matthias Ang | August 30, 2024, 05:36 PM



A child's right leg got stuck in an escalator at level 1 of Rivervale Mall on Aug. 29.

In response to Mothership's queries, the SCDF said it received a call for assistance at about 4pm on the day, and that the child was freed using hydraulic equipment and conveyed to KK Women's and Children's Hospital for treatment.

A photo of the incident was circulated on Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu.

It showed multiple firemen and other emergency responders gathered around the escalator.

Photo via 小猴子他妈/Xiaohongshu

Another photo, put up by a second user in response to the initial post, showed what appeared to be one of the child's shoes stuck in the escalator.

Photo via Joshua Chan/Xiaohongshu

Mothership has reached out to Rivervale Mall for more information.

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Left image via 小猴子他妈/Xiaohongshu, right image via Joshua Chan/Xiaohongshu