My dummy's guide to achieving clear skin so you can zap those zits too

Is this professional? No, that’s why it’s “her” very own dummy's guide.

Khine Zin Htet | August 03, 2024, 11:30 AM

Getting a pimple might seem like a minor issue to some, but for others, including myself, it can feel like a major problem.

Whenever I wake up to a new zit, it sets the tone for my day as I can’t help but obsessively pick at the angry red spot on my face, hoping it will disappear.

My confidence plummets and I lament about looking “ugly”.

Over time, I’ve learned to accept my skin and manage my expectations, but I’ve also picked up a few tricks for achieving better skin.

I’m not an expert, but I’ve done considerable research to learn how to clear up my complexion.

So, here’s a guide to help you potentially clear your skin and achieve a glowing appearance.

Step 1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

It may sound obvious, but drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to improve your skin.

According to Healthline, staying hydrated can help maintain proper skin hydration and potentially prevent acne.

Aim to drink around 2L of water a day, and increase your intake if you’re engaging in strenuous activities or are unwell.

Step 2: Use products catered to your skin type.

Everyone has a different skin type, so it’s crucial to use products that match yours.

There are five primary skin types: normal, dry, sensitive, oily, and combination.

For example, since I have normal skin, I choose products labelled for that skin type.

My skin reacted poorly – burning and breaking out, to my boyfriend’s serum, which was intended for oily and sensitive skin.

Remember, skin types can change with age or environmental factors, so select products that best suit your current skin condition.

There are also versatile products suitable for all skin types, like JSHealth Vitamins4-Step Vitamin Skincare System.

Photo from JSHealth Vitamins

It contains their Balancing Vitamin Cleanser that promises to gently purify and calm complexion, without compromising skin barrier function.

There is also the Probiotic Vitamin Moisturiser, a lightweight option designed to repair and support the skin’s microbiome and barrier.

Step 3: Curate a skincare routine.

Creating a skincare routine involves more than just slapping any trending products on your face

You need to ensure that the ingredients in each product work well together and don’t clash.

Avoid using too many active ingredients at once, as this can compromise your skin barrier and cause irritation, redness, or burning.

Start by identifying your goals.

According to a dermatologist interviewed by Allure, if you want to reduce acne scars and hyperpigmentation, consider incorporating Vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs).

JSHealth Vitamins offers a Pro-Collagen Vitamin Serum with Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide for a brightening effect and improved skin tone.

Photo via JSHealth Vitamin

For anti-aging, look into retinol or bakuchiol products.

JS Health Vitamins also has a Luminous Vitamin Oil with bakuchiol to address fine lines and promote firmer, more radiant skin.

Photo via JSHealth Vitamins

It’s best to start with one product and gradually introduce others to avoid overwhelming your skin.

Step 4: Change your pillowcase.

How often do you change your pillowcase?

While there’s no definitive answer, changing your pillowcase regularly can create a better environment for your skin.

Pillowcases can accumulate dirt, dead skin cells, germs, and bacteria, which may clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

If changing your bedsheets frequently is too much of a hassle, consider just changing your pillowcase every two to three days instead.

Step 5: Get your beauty sleep.

If you are not catching enough Zzzz, then you seriously need to reconsider your sleep schedule.

According to HealthHub, getting a minimum of seven to nine hours of sleep is important to keep your health in check.

Poor sleep and lack of sleep can cause undesirable effects on your skin like poor complexion and dark eye cycles, according to Sleep Foundation.

As a night owl myself, I understand the struggle some of you may have to sleep early and get a good night's rest.

However, after my recent bout of breakouts, I have been trying to sleep early to regain some of my complexion back.

This way, I don’t end up turning up at work looking like a zombie.

JS Health Vitamins

JS Health Vitamins is an Australian wellness and beauty brand that has recently launched in Singapore.

New customers receive 15 per cent off their first order on their website.

Additionally, you can get a free Welcome Pack with purchases over S$60.

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