Boys play sepak takraw using HDB car park gantry as net at 5am in Whampoa


Khine Zin Htet | June 20, 2024, 02:30 PM



In the early morning of Jun. 19, a resident of Jalan Tenteram heard some noise from below his block.

When he looked down, he was shocked to see a group of boys playing sepak takraw around a car park gantry.

Gif via Mothership reader

Using gantry as net

The game of sepak takraw took place around 5 am on Jun. 19, the resident recounted to Mothership.

In the video he took, four boys can be seen tossing a ball over the gantry, using it as a net for their game.

Photo via Mothership reader

In another video, a taxi can be seen entering the estate from the adjacent gantry, but the boys did not appear to be affected by its presence.

While the resident called the police, the boys left before the police arrived.

The resident expressed his astonishment, explaining that this was the first time he had seen something like this in his more than five years of living at the estate.


The boys were "quite loud" and played for around 30 minutes, the resident said.

In Singapore, quiet hours are observed from 10:30 pm to 7 am.

According to a government infosheet on noise regulations and guidelines, residents are advised to be considerate towards their neighbours and to observe the quiet hours.

Those experiencing issues arising from noise from neighbours are advised to talk to their neighbours first.

If there are difficulties resolving the issue, they can seek help from their Grassroot Leaders (GRLs) or try formal mediation at the Community Mediation Centre.

Top photos by Mothership reader