Leadership masterclass taught by Tan Chuan-Jin is real, costs S$1,090 per pax

SkillsFuture credits cannot be used for this course though.

Belmont Lay | Matthias Ang | May 14, 2024, 02:48 PM



A leadership masterclass that is marketed as being taught by former politician and Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin is real.

Details about the course were initially circulated online since May 10 by the SMF Centre for Corporate Learning (SMFCCL) Facebook page.

SMF, which stands for the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, first put up a Facebook post seemingly to promote the course taught by Tan.

However, the post, which was shared numerous times, was subsequently inaccessible online by May 13, prompting talk that the course might be fake as there were scant details about it.

Course details confirmed

Checks conducted by Mothership found out that the course is a genuine offer.

The in-person course consists of three series, with each series having two sessions.

The first session of the first series will be happening on July 10, 2024, from 9am to 1pm.

According to the course details, the first two sessions in the first series of the course will be about understanding the broader issues facing Singapore and learning what a leader can do to make a difference in society.

It will feature Tan.

The other second and third series will cover topics such as leadership philosophy, as well as strategic communications.

The physical class is held at the SMF office.

The listed address for the SMF Centre for Corporate Learning is at Jalan Bukit Merah.

The cost is S$1,090 per attendee, inclusive of GST.

In response to queries, SMFCCL said a certificate will be issued upon completion of the course.

It is also confirmed that SkillsFuture credits cannot be used to offset the course fees.

When asked about the take-up rate of the class, SMFCCL replied that the response was "quite good".

Interest in the class also appears to be high, with the masterclass as one of the top few prompts on Google.

Screenshot via Google

Top photo via SMF Centre for Corporate Learning