Bangladesh's PM Sheikh Hasina resigns, reportedly has fled the country

The country's Chief of Army is reportedly in talks to form an interim government.

Tan Min-Wei | August 05, 2024, 06:16 PM


Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina is understood to have resigned her position and fled the country on Aug. 5.

Weeks of protests

Bangladesh has been in the throes of weeks-long protests, including violent clashes between security forces and protesters.

The Guardian reports that at least 100 people are dead as a result of the clashes.

Al Jazeera reports Bangladeshi local media’s claims that Hasina has fled the country.

Social media has also reported thousands of people gathering in the streets, and with the BBC sharing footage of protests looting the PM’s official residence.

These scenes are reminiscent of the 2022 Sri Lanka protests that also saw the government fall after popular protests.

At time of reporting Bangladesh’s Chief of Army was reportedly holding talks with major political parties; including the main opposition Bangladesh National Party in order to form an interim government.

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