M'sian man, 31, squirts mix of flour & his urine on women in S'pore for 'opportunities' to chat

He targeted women wearing dark-coloured bottoms.

Khine Zin Htet | June 20, 2024, 06:55 PM



Hoping to talk to some women, a Malaysian man in Singapore devised a plan to create "opportunities" for conversation.

Tan Jun Hao, 31, mixed flour and his own urine in a small plastic bottle, intending to squirt the mixture on women and alert them that their clothes were dirtied.

Especially those wearing dark-coloured bottoms, he admitted.

He even considered mixing red dye into the mixture.

Squirted the mixture on victim's dress

According to court documents, on the morning of Apr. 9, 2024, Tan prepared the mixture of flour and urine and kept it in a small plastic bottle with him as he left his house.

At around 8:30pm, Tan spotted a 26-year-old woman wearing a black dress going up the escalator from Nicoll Highway MRT station towards an overhead bridge.

He decided to follow her up the escalator.

While she was walking along the overhead bridge, Tan squirted the mixture on her dress.

However, he did not stop to talk to her and instead quickly walked ahead.

The victim initially thought the stain on her dress was bird droppings due to its smell and tried to wipe it off with tissues.

The stain grew larger.

She then had to go to a friend’s house to clean up.

Did the same to two other unknown victims

Tan admitted to doing the same to two other unknown victims.

He had also prepared red dye at home, which he intended to mix into the liquid.

On Jun. 20, Tan was fined S$1,200 after he pleaded guilty to using criminal force on the woman.

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