150 sheep sacrificed & distributed to those in need in S'pore for Hari Raya

Pertapis distributes 2,000kg of meat to those in need every year.

Ilyda Chua | June 18, 2024, 01:46 PM



For the first time in 11 years, a live korban — a ritual sacrifice during Hari Raya Haji, which involves the slaughter of livestock — was held at Pertapis Halfway House.

Around 150 sheep were slaughtered in the ritual on Jun. 17.

The meat was subsequently distributed to 250 beneficiaries comprising worshippers and those in need.

As part of the sacrifice, the meat is divided into three parts: one for family, one for friends, and one for the needy.

Photo from muslimproofficial/Instagram

First time in 11 years

Typically, the livestock is slaughtered in Australia before being flown chilled to Singapore and distributed.

But this year, a live korban was held at Pertapis for the first time in 11 years, reported The Straits Times.

Minister of State for Home Affairs and National Development Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim also graced the event as guest-of-honour, helping to distribute the meat to the beneficiaries.

“I am very happy to join Pertapis Halfway House this morning to witness the live korban event. These are very important efforts to assist the vulnerable in the community and to let them know that they are not alone in this journey," he said.

Photo from Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim/Instagram

Sourced from Australia

According to Pertapis's Facebook page, all animals for the live slaughter were sourced from Australia.

The organisation distributes 2,000kg of meat to those in need every year.

ST reported that in preparation for the event, the 20 people involved in the slaughter went for a course in Malaysia to be certified by the Islamic Development Department Malaysia, or Jakim.

About 270 volunteers and staff participated in the korban.

Firdaus D’Cruz, chief executive officer of Pertapis, said the event serves to uphold the cherished tradition of korban.

It also helps to "reinforce the values of compassion and generosity that lie at the heart of our community and foster stronger bonds", he said.

Top image from Berita and uddyn_j/Instagram