Renaming of MCI to MDDI a 'meaningful & timely move' in digital era: Josephine Teo

A new acronym to memorise.

Ilyda Chua | May 13, 2024, 07:43 PM



The renaming of the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) as the Ministry of Digital Development and Information (MDDI) is a "meaningful and timely move", said Josephine Teo.

In a May 13 Facebook post after the announcement, the Minister for Communications and Information wrote about the rationale behind the change.

The new name was announced alongside incoming PM Lawrence Wong's cabinet reshuffle, and will kick in on Jul. 8, 2024.

MCI last went through a name change in 2012, when it was renamed from the Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts (MICA).

A digital era

Teo said that in a digital era, with new opportunities and challenges, MCI has taken on a "broader digital portfolio".

The name change is a reflection of that, she explained.

Moving forward, the new MDDI will strengthen Singapore's digital economy, oversee cybersecurity and regulation of digital infrastructure, data protection, and drive the development of new digital technologies and capabilities.

This includes the digitalisation of government services.

Outside of this portfolio, MDDI will continue to oversee information policy and strategy, Teo said.

Coordinating Whole-of-Government information policy, media development and public communications efforts remain critical roles of the Ministry, Teo added.

"We will keep up our pioneering spirit and drive for excellence and continue charting new paths, to take our nation forward under the leadership of the new incoming Prime Minister."

Top image from Josephine Teo/Facebook