S'pore private-hire driver raped & took obscene photos of drunk passenger, told friend he was 'lucky'

He did not use a condom.

Ilyda Chua | May 20, 2024, 11:46 AM



After a drunk passenger fell asleep in his car, a private-hire driver pulled her skirt up, took photos, and sent them to his friends.

Mohammad Noorandy Wahid, a 39-year-old Singapore citizen, then raped the woman and told a friend that he had been "lucky".

He was sentenced to 11 years' jail and nine strokes of the cane on May 17.

Acquainted with the woman

Noorandy was a delivery driver, who worked as a private-hire driver with Ryde at night.

He got to know the 31-year-old woman in December 2019, several months before the incident, after approaching her and her friends outside a club while they waited for a taxi.

He often waited outside clubs for passengers, the court heard.

After that encounter, he would occasionally drive the woman and her friends when they went club-hopping.

On Feb. 26, 2020, the woman and a friend met to go clubbing.

They first visited LuLu's Lounge at Pan Pacific Hotel, and subsequently headed to Avenue at Marina Bay Sands.

At around 2:50am, the pair left Avenue to go to another club.

At the driveway, she noticed Noorandy waiting for potential passengers, and asked him to drive them to another club, Bang Bang at Pan Pacific Hotel.

At that point, the woman had drunk a lot of alcohol and was feeling intoxicated, swaying from side to side, said the Deputy Public Prosecutor Tan Pei Wei.

Twice, Noorandy had to stop the car so she could throw up.

Raped woman

However, upon reaching the hotel, the woman realised that she could not find her phone and asked Noorandy to drive her back to MBS.

She parted ways with her friend at the hotel and boarded the car again, this time at the front passenger seat.

The victim eventually found her phone in her bag.

Feeling sleepy and weak, she asked Noorandy to take her home, and fell asleep during the ride.

Instead, he drove her towards Carros Centre in Kranji, knowing that it would be deserted at that hour, the court heard.

While she was still unconscious, Noorandy pulled up the victim's skirt and took photos of her buttocks, underwear, and genitals and sent them to his friend over WhatsApp.

He also took a photo of her side profile, which he sent with the caption "bonus".

Afterwards, Noordandy drove to a deserted car park in Kranji Close.

The woman, who had been sleeping through the journey, woke up when she heard the engine being switched off.

Noticing her unfamiliar surroundings, the woman told Noorandy that this was not her home address.

In response, he kissed and raped the victim, who told him to stop but was too weak to push him away.

He only stopped after he thought he saw a police car. At 4:05am, he drove her home.

Later, he bragged to his friend that he had sex with the victim.

When the friend asked for more details, asking Noorandy to "pass [her] to me", Noorandy replied that he was too late.

He added: "She was too drunk, unconscious. She also don't know who she was doing it with, lucky ah."

The victim filed a police report the next day.

Got lucky

Noorandy pleaded guilty to one count of rape and one count of distributing voyeuristic images, with seven other charges taken into consideration.

In her submissions, Tan pointed that the victim had been in a vulnerable state as she was intoxicated, impairing her ability to protect herself.

She added that Noorandy had not used a condom, exposing the woman to the risk of sexually-transmitted diseases or pregnancy.

In addition, the case involved an "abuse of trust" given that Noorandy was a private-hire driver, and as she had engaged his services previously.

For rape, he could have been jailed for up to 20 years and fined or caned.

Top image from Google Maps