SCDF officers pay tribute to fallen firefighter Kenneth Tay, sirens sounded in his honour


Ilyda Chua | Tharun Suresh | May 20, 2024, 08:00 AM



On the stormy morning of May 20, at around 7am, a fire call alarm was sounded at the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) HQ in Ubi.

It was the last call for Captain Tay Xue Qin Kenneth, the 30-year-old firefighter who died battling a blaze on a marine vessel on May 16.

In the multi-purpose hall, 200 SCDF personnel observed a minute of silence for the late officer as part of a ceremony to remember Tay, ahead of his ceremonial funeral.

Blinkers and sirens were also turned on for 15 seconds as a mark of respect.

Photo by Tharun Suresh.

GIF from video by Tharun Suresh.

Delivering a message at the observance ceremony at SCDF HQ, SCDF Commissioner Eric Yap spoke of Tay's dedication to duty, throughout his years of service as SCDF.

Yap highlighted Tay's roles in the SCDF, including how he had served as a para-counsellor, saying this spoke of his "belief, passion, and conviction" in the mission of the SCDF.

He also offered his condolences to Tay's loved ones.

"His passing also hit us in the SCDF hard, and no words can adequately describe the sense of loss," Yap said.

"We will remember Captain Kenneth's selflessness, professionalism, and commitment."

The last call was sounded across all SCDF stations, including SCDF Headquarters, Division Headquarters and the Civil Defence Academy.

SCDF posted to Facebook at 8:19am on May 20 about the last call:

The post also shows ceremonies at fire stations around the country.

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Top image from Kenneth Tay/Facebook & Singapore Civil Defence Force/Facebook