
Warmer days, less rain expected in S'pore in 1st 2 weeks of Feb. 2025

Say goodbye to aircon weather.


January 31, 2025, 06:16 PM



If you miss spending time outdoors, you're in for a treat.

Expect less rain to fall on Singapore from Jan. 31 to Feb. 16, 2025.

According to a Meteorological Services Singapore (MSS) fortnightly weather advisory on Jan. 31, "fair and occasionally windy conditions" are expected, with maximum temperatures likely reaching 34°C.

Less rain expected, 34°C temperatures possible

While prevailing monsoon conditions are expected to continue with winds blowing mainly from the northwest or northeast, "fair" and "occasionally windy" conditions may still occur on some days in the first two weeks of February 2025.

MSS added that Singapore may also experience less rain, with localised short thundery showers over some parts on several afternoons.

The total rainfall is expected to be below average in the first two weeks.

Daily maximum temperatures are also expected to be between 33°C and 34°C on most days, and exceeding 34°C on a few days.

More rain in second fortnight of January 2025 due to monsoon surge

The second half of January 2025 brought about more rain due to the northeast monsoon conditions occurring over Singapore and the surrounding region.

Singapore experienced showers on most afternoons, with low-level winds blowing from the north or northeast.

From Jan. 17 to 19, occasional spells of showers occurred due to a monsoon surge over the South China Sea, which resulted in the formation of extensive rainclouds over the surrounding region.

The southern and western areas of Singapore experienced heavy thundery showers in the afternoon on Jan. 26.

Sunset Way in Clementi recorded the highest rainfall during the period, with a daily total precipitation of 75.2mm.

On most days, the daily maximum temperature were recorded at below 31°C.

The highest daily maximum temperature was observed in Newton on Jan. 25 at 32.4°C.

The period also recorded well below average rainfall, with Sembawang registering rainfall of about 84 per cent below average.

Top photo via Pexels

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