Search for KL sinkhole victim called off after 9 days

The decision was reached after a detailed evaluation of expert and technical advice on the operation, said a minister.

Amber Tay


August 31, 2024, 09:11 PM



The search-and-rescue (SAR) operation for the 48-year-old Indian woman who fell into a sinkhole in Malaysia was called off on Aug. 31.

This comes nine days after the tourist fell into an eight-metre-deep sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur (KL) when a section of the sidewalk caved in at Jalan Masjid India on Aug. 23.

Decision reached after detailed evaluation of expert and technical advice

The decision was reached after a detailed evaluation of expert and technical advice on the operation, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Federal Territories) Zaliha Mustafa told Malaysian media.

Experts included the police, the search team, Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL), and geologists, as well as consideration from the Cabinet.

While an obstruction was detected during the search, it could not be positively identified, she said.

"We also have to consider the safety of the SAR personnel involved as conditions for the SAR were extremely challenging,"  Zaliha explained.

Zaliha also said the appearance of a second sinkhole near the first incident also caused concern over the safety of the search personnel.

DBKL will map the utilities and conduct a soil structural study throughout Kuala Lumpur, as well as engage with local businesses to ensure that they can resume their activities.

"I would like to stress that Kuala Lumpur is still safe," Zaliha added, urging the public to get their news from credible sources.

Efforts to locate the victim will continue

Efforts to locate the victim will continue, but under a new operation with different agencies led by the Malaysian police.

The family of the victim has been informed, with the Malaysian government and the Indian High Commission ensuring constant contact with them, the minister said.

The Indian High Commissioner has expressed gratitude for the efforts made, she added.

"Together with the High Commission, we will assist the family in any way we can," Zaliha said, adding the family members' visas have been extended for another week to accommodate them during this difficult time.

Three sinkholes in KL

Two other sinkholes appeared in KL on Aug. 26 and 28.

The sinkholes and the missing tourist made headlines in the past week as the mayor of KL Maimunah binti Mohd Sharif insisted that the city is still safe on Aug. 26.

In the two days after she made that statement, two new holes appeared on KL roads.

The Indian victim who fell into the first sinkhole had been on her way to a temple when the incident happened.

Only slippers, which reportedly belong to the victim, had been found since then.

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Top image via China Press

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