Sengkang LRT upgrading: Trains to run in 1 direction on Sep. 28 & 29

Regular train service will resume on Sep. 30.

Seri Mazliana


September 19, 2024, 08:19 PM



Trains on the Sengkang LRT line will operate in one direction for the east and west loops from Sep. 28 to 29, 2024.

The single-loop service is to facilitate the ongoing upgrading works of the Sengkang LRT station, according to a Facebook post by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on Sep. 17.

Trains will also stop at two new locations

Trains will serve all existing stations, but only move in one direction on the Sengkang East Loop towards Ranggung station and the Sengkang West Loop towards Renjong station.

Regular train service will resume on Sep. 30 and passengers at the Sengkang station can board trains at dedicated locations for each of the four Sengkang LRT routes after the upgrading.

Image by LTA.

With the upgrade, trains will stop at two different locations on each platform, instead of one.

This means each of the four LRT routes will have a dedicated boarding location.

Sengkang Town Centre (STC) has been serving as the interchange.

Trains currently stop at only two locations at Sengkang LRT station, one on each of the station’s two platforms, which results in passengers having to check overhead signs to know the route of the departing train.

Image by LTA.

The upgrading works, which started in March 2024, is set to improve commuter flow and reach completion by end 2024.

In May 2023, LTA also announced that it had ordered 25 new car trains to cater to a higher demand on the Sengkang-Punggol LRT post-pandemic.

Top photo via Land Transport Authority/Facebook

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