Cyclist points middle finger at driver after riding across oncoming traffic at Thomson Road
Rude much?
Just as traffic lights turned green for vehicles along Thomson Road, a male cyclist pedalled right into oncoming traffic, causing a driver to brake to prevent a collision.
The cyclist then flashed a middle finger at the driver.
A user uploaded the whole encounter in a video on the Facebook group Complaint Singapore.
The video starts with pedestrians crossing Thomson Road, where the road has a two-stage pedestrian crossing.
The pedestrians, including some construction workers, had finished crossing the road and the lights turned green for vehicles.
The vehicles began to move forward.
Then, a woman on a kick scooter, followed by the cyclist, crossed diagonally across the road's three lanes and against oncoming traffic.
This forced the driver to brake suddenly to prevent a collision with the cyclist and kick scooter rider.
The cyclist did not even look up as he continued across the road, and flashed a middle finger at the driver.
The cyclist and kick scooter rider had been riding on the pedestrian path prior to dashing out onto the road.
However, instead of following the pedestrian crossing ahead of them, the two decided to cut across the lanes.
Top photos via Complaint Singapore/Facebook