'Reckless' cyclist swerves across 3 lanes along busy road in Orchard


Julia Yee


July 15, 2024, 12:15 PM



"Reckless youths cycling recklessly," observed one driver travelling along Orchard Road the night of Jul. 13.

The youths in question, who were caught on camera, were seen riding in rows of two along the bus lane.

Image via Richard Lim/Facebook

Cut across lanes

Based on the video uploaded by the driver, there appeared to have been about seven cyclists riding together.

One cyclist could be seen speeding up to overtake a bus.

Gif via Richard Lim/Facebook

As the bus in front of them slowed down while nearing a bus stop, two others veered off from the group to overtake the vehicle.

One of them swerved in front of a car in the adjacent lane, while the other cut straight across three lanes.

The antics of the cyclist that cut across the road caused a car to brake in response.

Gif via Richard Lim/Facebook

The rules

It is an offence in Singapore to cycle on roads in groups larger than five cyclists in a single file, or 10 cyclists riding two abreast.

Groups should also keep a minimum distance of 30m — or two lamp posts — between one another.

These group size rules took effect from Jan. 1, 2022 in a bid to improve road safety.

According to new rules in the Road Traffic Act in 2022, a cyclist can ride abreast of another when they are in groups of six to 10.

But they can do so only under certain conditions.

This is given the road has two or more lanes for vehicles travelling in the same direction and the cyclist does not ride in a bus lane during its operation hours.

Bicycles must also be ridden "in an orderly manner" and "with due regard for the safety of others".

Top images via Richard Lim/Facebook

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