
FirstCom Academy suspended for 3 months for not complying with SkillsFuture marketing guidelines

In exchange for Google reviews, S$5 vouchers were reportedly given at the end of the courses.


November 28, 2024, 12:20 PM



Training provider FirstCom Academy will be suspended for three months from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 2025.

This was after SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) found that it had gone against terms for training providers.

The company, which provides short Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses in areas such as digital marketing and people management, had used a referral programme for marketing that did not comply with guidelines.

SkillsFuture credit usage suspended

As a result, all courses that start within the suspension period will have their funding subsidies suspended and not be eligible for government course fee subsidies or SkillsFuture credit usage.

On top of the suspension, two of FirstCom Academy’s WSQ courses will be terminated due to lapses in ensuring course quality, SSG said in a Nov. 27 statement.

The company also cannot start WSQ courses during this period.

SSG added that it has been investigating FirstCom Academy’s marketing practices and course quality since early 2024, following “numerous public feedback”.

Incentivised signing up for courses

An applicant told The Straits Times that the company’s promoters said her SkillsFuture Credit was expiring, even though the S$500 opening SkillsFuture Credit does not expire and the one-off SkillsFuture Credit top-up of S$500 provided in 2020 will only expire on Dec. 31, 2025.

CNA and ST reported that the company even offered S$80 shopping vouchers to refer others to take its courses.

Besides this, in exchange for Google reviews, S$5 vouchers were reportedly given at the end of the courses.

FirstCom Academy has amassed about 50,000 reviews with a 4.9 star rating on Google.

SSG guidelines state that the training provider must not provide any referral awards or rewards.

Lucky draws and the provision of gifts or vouchers are also not allowed.

Course providers are not allowed to incentivise the public to sign up for courses.

Company retrenches workers

CNA reported on Wednesday that the company retrenched employees prior to news of the suspension being released.

Employees were told about the suspension during a meeting and that Monday would be their last day at work.

Those laid off then packed up and left.

Education Services Union (ESU), an NTUC-affiliated union, as well as NTUC U SME, are actively reaching out to members and other workers to provide support, it was reported.

Penalties for non-compliance with SSG guidelines range from advisory or warning letters, to suspension and termination.

SSG has taken action against two other training providers for non-compliance with SSG’s marketing guidelines in 2024, ST reported.

Those whose courses have commenced will not be affected

In response, FirstCom Academy said on social media that its WSQ course curriculum will provide a better learning experience as it will be undergoing an improvement process in the first quarter of 2025.

FirstCom Academy will be responsible for informing learners who have enrolled in its courses that commence within the suspension period that its courses will not be subsidised by SSG nor be eligible for SkillsFuture credit, SSG said.

Learners also cannot attain the WSQ Statement of Attainment given that the company cannot start WSQ courses during the suspension period.

Learners whose courses will only conclude during the suspension period, having already started or began before the suspension period, will not be impacted.

Those whose courses have not started and who do not wish to continue with FirstCom Academy may contact the academy or approach SSG for a list of similar courses by other SSG-registered training providers.

Those who come across training providers who carry out similar practices can share feedback at

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