
Car gets t-boned after swerving into another lane in MCE tunnel

Oh no.


November 12, 2024, 06:32 PM



A car travelling along the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) swerved into another lane and caused an accident.

In footage retrieved from the dashboard camera of the other vehicle involved, the driver was later seen getting out from the other side of the banged up car.

The incident took place on Nov. 11 at around 4:21pm.

The bang

In the video, a red car was seen turning 90 degrees shortly after entering the tunnel.

Gif via SGRV

The body of the car ended up blocking two other adjacent lanes.

Unable to stop in time, the vehicle travelling behind the red car ended up crashing into its side.

The impact of the collision caused the red car to be flung back a short distance, with both wheels on its right side lifting off the ground.

Gif via SGRV

The car’s sudden swerving left commenters wondering what caused it to move as such in the first place, as it did not appear to have hit any other vehicle.

The driver climbed across the seats and exited from the door on the passenger side.

Mothership understands that there were no injuries and that the drivers settled the issue on their own.

Top images via SGRV


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