
Low Thia Khiang testifies for total of 35 minutes at Pritam’s trial, defence asks just 1 question

Low himself was a little surprised at the short duration of his examination.


October 23, 2024, 07:44 PM



The former leader of the Workers' Party, Low Thia Khiang, testified for a total of 35 minutes at the trial of the party's current secretary-general Pritam Singh, on Oct. 23, 2024.

Low took the stand at about 4:15pm and was examined by Deputy Public Prosecutor Tan Ben Mathias about his meeting with Singh and WP chair, Sylvia Lim, at his home on Oct. 11, 2021.

Following his examination by the prosecution, he was asked only one question by the defence, and then released from the witness stand.

Low: Lim appeared "anxious" during October 2021 meeting

According to Low, the meeting on Oct. 11, 2021 was when he was first informed about the lie by former WP MP Raeesah Khan in parliament.

Lim was the one who told him about the matter, and shared that she was considering holding a press conference for Raeesah to apologise at that time.

When asked by Tan about his response to Lim, Low said:

"I said that since Ms Khan lied in parliament, the correct forum to apologise and to clarify is Parliament."

Low recalled that he then asked Lim about whether the government knew about the lie. Low testified that Lim replied that the government "has not known", and that it is "not easy to know, because there are so many police stations in Singapore."

Asked about Lim's demeanour, Low said Lim appeared "anxious" during the meeting, but added that he did not notice Singh's demeanour.

As for Raeesah, Low said that both Singh and Lim told him at the meeting on Oct. 11, 2021 that they planned to expel her from the WP.

What was not said at the meeting

Tan then asked Low if Lim and Singh had told him about the fact that both of them already told Raeesah to clarify the untruth in parliament, that they had told her to also speak her parents about her sexual assault, and that Singh had met Raeesah on Oct. 3, 2021, to tell her to clarify the untruth in parliament the next day.

Low replied no to all three questions.

When Tan asked Low about his impression as to when Singh and Lim found out about the lie, Low replied:

"I didn't have any impression [as to] when they found out. They broke the news to me, so this is a problem and I participated in the discussion."

Low also said he did not know when the Parliament sitting happened and that he had not been following Parliament closely.

Only knew about the August 2021 meeting with Raeesah in August 2023

Low then added that he had a second meeting with just Lim on Oct. 18, 2021, at his home.

During this meeting, Lim informed him that Raeesah had agreed to apologise in parliament.

Low then told Lim they would want to look at the draft of her apology as they did not want it to end up with another lie.

The prosecution asked Low when he found out that Singh, Lim and WP vice-chair Faisal Manap already knew about Raeesah's untruth since August 2021.

Low replied that he found out sometime in August 2023.

Low said, "I was wondering, why take so long to reveal this?"

Told Singh to set up a disciplinary panel consisting of the Secretary-General, Chair and Vice-Chair

In addition, following Raeesah's apology in parliament on Nov. 2021, Low said he messaged Singh to suggest the establishment of a disciplinary panel to look into action against Raeesah.

Low also said it was his suggestion to Singh that the panel consist of the party's secretary-general, chair and vice-chair — i.e. Singh, Lim, and Faisal.

When asked by Tan if he was aware that the three of them already knew about the untruth since August 2021, Low replied no and repeated his reply that he only found out in August 2023.

Did not read the COP proceedings in detail

When Tan asked Low as to when he came first came to know about the private conversation between Raeesah and Singh on Oct. 3, 2021, to clarify the untruth in parliament, Low replied, "I don't know.

Tan then asked Low if he was aware of it and Low replied, "No."

This led to the prosecution's next question, about whether he had followed the Committee of Privileges proceedings in December 2021.

To this, Low replied, "I read newspaper reports but I don’t read the details."

The prosecution then ended their questioning and court adjourned for 15 minutes.

Low says "That's all?" after defence asks just one question

Following the adjournment, Low was asked by one of Singh's lawyers, Aristotle Emmanuel Eng Zhen Yang, if he agreed that a lie on record in parliament should also be clarified in parliament.

Low said, "Yes, I think so," and Eng told the judge that he had no further questions.

Low then responded with, "What? That's all?" when he was released from the stand.

Subsequently, while speaking to the media outside the State Courts, Low admitted in Mandarin that he was indeed "a little surprised" that he had been asked only one question and that he expected more questions as he had not said much.

As for the prosecution's questioning, Low said he felt they had asked what needed to be asked.

Impact of the trial on the WP

Low also spoke to the media about the possible impact of Singh's case on the WP.

He said he did not think there would be a big impact on the party.

"I think voters in Singapore are mature," he said, speaking in Chinese.

Switching to English, Low described the situation as a "hiccup".

"In an organisation, in the process of development, there is always hiccups here and there, and we must not forget the whole general direction and making progress in Singapore," he said.

Low then added in English:

"The voters can make distinction between who is good politician and who is not a good politician and I believe Pritam Singh is a good politician. He is capable, [a] competent leader, with a heart for Singapore and Singaporeans."

Prior to leaving the State Courts, Low was seen speaking to Singh.

Top photo via Philip Ong

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