Vivian Balakrishnan on official visit to China from Sep. 8-9

He is accompanied by SMS Sim Ann.

Tan Min-Wei | September 09, 2024, 12:40 PM

TelegramWhatsappSingapore's Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan is on an official visit to China from Sep. 8 to 9.

He is visiting on the invitation of China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Communist Party of China's Politburo, as well as the Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs.

He will be accompanied by Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and National Development, Sim Ann.

Cooperation in various fields

The pair last met on Jul. 27, 2024 in Vientiane, Laos, on the sidelines of the Asean East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers Meeting.

Wang at the time said China is poised to work with Singapore to deepen cooperation, and contribute to regional peace, stability, and prosperity.

Vivian noted that the 35th anniversary of the establishment of ties between the People's Republic of China and Singapore is taking place in 2025.

Singapore is looking to take the anniversary's opportunity to push for more results in cooperation in various fields.

Top image via Vivian Balakrishnan/Facebook