More rain in S'pore in final week of Sep. 2024

Can wake me up before September ends.

Winnie Li | September 16, 2024, 07:10 PM



Miss the rain on Sep. 15?

Good news: Sumatra squalls may bring widespread thundery showers and gusty winds during the pre-dawn hours and morning on a few days during the second fortnight of September 2024, according to a Sep. 16 media advisory issued by the Meteorological Service Singapore.

More rainfall is also forecast towards the last week of the month, with thundery showers expected on most afternoons.

On some of those days, the thundery showers could be widespread and heavy.

With that said, there may be a few days in the early part of the upcoming fortnight that have little rainfall.

The total rainfall for the second half of September 2024 is forecast to be above average over most parts of Singapore.

23°C days possible

With the wet weather, daily temperatures may range between 23°C and 32°C on a few days in the second fortnight of September 2024.

On most days, however, the daily temperatures are expected to range between 24°C and 34°C.

First half of Sep. 2024 also wet

Similar to the weather forecast for the second half of September 2024, most parts of Singapore recorded above average rainfall in the first fortnight of the month.

Localised short-duration thundery showers fell over parts of the island in the late morning and afternoon on most days.

On Sep. 5, moderate to heavy thundery showers fell over many parts of Singapore in the late morning and early afternoon.

Despite the rain, daily maximum temperatures in the first half of the month were between 32°C and 34°C on most days, with the highest daily maximum temperature of 35.2°C being recorded at Pulau Ubin on Sep. 1.

Top image via GG就爱凑热闹/Xiaohongshu