Drunk S'pore woman spray-painted profanity on Red Cross House 5 days after its reopening

She also posed for photos with her boyfriend.

Daniel Seow | September 13, 2024, 05:01 PM



After sharing half a bottle of vodka with her boyfriend at a bar, a drunk woman in Singapore walked over to the Red Cross House in Dhoby Ghaut in the wee hours of the morning.

Michelle Leong Yi Ling, 24, then spray-painted a profanity on a pillar there and vandalised its walls together with her 27-year-old boyfriend, Keith Ong Wei Han.

This happened less than a week after Red Cross House, the headquarters of the Singapore Red Cross, had celebrated its reopening in a ceremony officiated by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

Walked to Red Cross House with boyfriend after drinks

The court heard that Leong had been drinking at the Stickies bar in Dhoby Ghaut with Ong in the early hours of Oct. 8, 2023, The Straits Times reported. They were dating at the time.

After sharing drinks there, the pair walked to the Red Cross House at Penang Lane.

The building, first opened in 1961, had been closed for refurbishment in May 2023, before being reopened on Oct. 3, 2023.

At about 12:50am, security footage caught the pair entering the premises.

Spray-painted profanity on pillar

Subsequently, Leong used a can of black spray paint to leave a profanity and symbol on a pillar, and also spray-painted other words on the walls with Ong.

Ong allegedly sprayed the words, "I’ll kill every1”.

The court heard that Leong appeared satisfied with the result, and she and Ong posed for photos while embracing tightly, according to ST.

The two left Red Cross House at about 2:05am, returning to Ong’s home.

At 8am, contractors found the vandalism at Red Cross House, so they repainted the walls and pillars to cover up the black paint.

Photos from Leong's phone were later submitted as evidence to the court.

Pleaded guilty

Leong pleaded guilty to one count of mischief on Sep. 12, ST reported. Another count of trespassing will be taken into consideration for sentencing,

The judge convicted Leong but called for a report to determine her suitability for probation. She is currently out on S$10,000 bail.

Her co-accused, Ong, faces similar charges of mischief and trespass.

He also faces a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to a man from a separate incident.

Top image from Red Cross House / Facebook