Don Don Donki to stop selling plastic bags at 16 S'pore outlets from Oct. 1, 2024

No more.

Belmont Lay | Winnie Li | September 12, 2024, 02:29 AM



Don Don Donki announced it will stop the sale of plastic bags at its 16 outlets in Singapore from Oct 1, 2024.

The Japanese retail chain started out by charging 10 cents per transaction for unlimited pieces of plastic bags beginning in November 2021.

Since July 2023, plastic bags were sold at 5 cents per piece.

A photo of the announcement was shared on Facebook.

It explained: "As part of our commitment to sustainability."

In response to Mothership's queries, Don Don Donki said: "As part of our commitment to a sustainable future, Don Don Donki Singapore will join the other regions, such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Malaysia, to stop the sale of plastic bags."

"This applies to all stores in Singapore and more reusable bag alternatives will be provided."


Commenters were divided about the latest move.

Those who supported it said shoppers should have inculcated the habit of bringing their own bags by now.

Those who were against the move said consumers are being lulled into a sense of sustainability by being made to save on plastic bags, but the merchandise they buy off the shelves continue to make use of substantial paper and plastic packaging, which might not be reduced anytime soon.

Others also raised the issue of consumers being made to buy yet another reusable bag on the spot in the event they forget to bring their own, which would contribute to the growing number of reusable bags being consumed.

Top photos via Chelsey Chen & Google Maps