Chan Chun Sing opens up about son with special needs

He has three kids.

Julia Yee | September 13, 2024, 07:04 PM



Chan Chun Sing may be Singapore's education minister, but to his kids, he is first and foremost a father.

The 54-year-old is married with three kids — a daughter and two sons, who are 23, 15, and 13 respectively this year.

Like any other parent, Chan has experienced both the joys and heartaches that come with raising children.

Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

In an interview published on Sep. 13, he sat down with 8world to chat about life as a family man.

Daughter of a minister

Chan is not blind to the challenges his kids face, especially with him as their father.

"When my daughter used to do well in school, others would often laugh and say: 'You're the minister's daughter, of course you should do well.'"

She would be facing criticism either way, said Chan.

Even if she did poorly, people could chide her for not meeting the mark as a minister's daughter should.

Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

But his children are who they are. Some might say their fates were more or less sealed the day their father decided to become a public servant.

Well aware of certain notions people might have about his family, Chan said that living under public scrutiny was inevitable.

Still, he shared that he has made an effort to let his children lead their own life, such as trusting them to choose which schools to attend when they were younger.

By their side

Speaking about his son who has cerebral palsy, Chan told 8world he longs to spend more time with him, as well as his siblings.

"Whether or not a kid has special needs, they will always have their individual requirements," he said.

"So as a parent, as a dad, of course I wish for them to enjoy the best life."

Chan often updates his Facebook page with snippets of his time spent with his children, such as going out on walks with them and doing activities at home.

Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

Had to grow up by himself

Chan's desire to be with his kids perhaps stems from his experience growing up in a single-parent household.

He told 8world that his mother had to work two jobs to support the family.

Secondary 1 Chan Chun Sing. Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

It left her with little time to spend with her kids, which taught Chan how to be independent early on.

He recounted the words of his grandmother: "Even though we may not have the most, we can always do our part to help others in need."

When he grew up, Chan served in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) for 24 years before entering the public service.

He made his way through various ministries before becoming education minister in 2021.

He has been serving at the post ever since.

And while he is sure of his place in the world, he will leave his kids' up to them.

"The hardest part is letting our kids walk the path they wish to walk."

Photo via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook

Top images via Chan Chun Sing's Facebook