Pedestrians run to help fallen motorcyclist who skidded & tumbled off bike in Tanjong Pagar


Julia Yee | September 25, 2024, 12:03 PM



Some people's faith in humanity was restored upon witnessing three young men rush to help a fallen motorcyclist at Tanjong Pagar.

The incident took place at Anson Road on Sep. 23, at around 9:12pm.

It was captured on a vehicle's dashboard camera and uploaded onto Facebook.

"Well done young chaps," applauded one user.

Accident happened in front of their eyes

The video showed the group of "young chaps" crossing the road at a traffic light.

Two of them seemed to be preoccupied with their phones.

Image via SGRV/Facebook

Their attention was soon caught by a motorcycle that swerved in behind them and skidded across two lanes.

Gif via SGRV/Facebook

A few items were seen falling off the vehicle, but most concerning of all was the rider hitting the ground while tumbling off the bike.

Phones forgotten, the youths began running towards the fallen rider.

Gif via SGRV/Facebook

The video ends with two of them placing their belongings on the sidewalk and heading over to check on the rider.

A third youth wasted no time in walking towards the middle of the road to redirect traffic.

Good human beings

When the video made its way onto the internet, many viewers lauded the youths' willingness to extend a helping hand.

They were dubbed "outstanding civilians" and "good human beings".

Comment on SGRV/Facebook

"Proud of the new gen," commented someone, who was presumably of the old gen.

The men also received a handful of "kudos".

Comment on SGRV/Facebook

Comment on SGRV/Facebook

Police were alerted

In response to Mothership's queries, the police were alerted to the accident at about 11:15pm.

They said that a motorcycle was believed to have self-skidded along Anson Road towards Esplanade Drive.

A 23-year-old male motorcyclist was conveyed conscious to the hospital.

Police investigations are ongoing.

More good deeds

Top images via SGRV/Facebook