SCDF to sound signal islandwide on Sep. 15 at 6:20pm, including on phones with SGSecure app & not on silent mode

Heads up.

Matthias Ang | September 12, 2024, 05:24 PM



If you hear loud sirens on the evening of Sep. 15, do not be alarmed.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will be sounding the "Important Message" signal through the Public Warning System (PWS) sirens on Sep. 15, Sunday, at 6:20pm.

It will also go off on all smartphones that have installed the SGSecure mobile app and are not on silent or vibration mode.

The signal will stop once the message is acknowledged or cease after 20 seconds. This will be followed by a brief text on the PWS sounding.

Second time the PWS has been sounded this year

This is the second time the PWS has been sounded this year.

It was previously sounded at 6:20pm on Feb. 15, 2024, on the anniversary of the British's surrender of Singapore to Imperial Japanese forces in 1942.

The SCDF conducts this exercise annually to familiarise the public with the PWS signals and how they should respond accordingly upon hearing them.

Public should immediately tune in to any local radio station or free-to-air TV channel

The SCDF added that upon hearing the signal, the public should tune in to any local radio station or free-to-air TV channel for a brief message on the PWS.

If you miss the message, you can visit this website to learn more about the PWS.

Top image via STries/YouTube