Videos show youths punched, kicked & mocked at ITE College Central, bullying incidents being investigated

The incidents apparently took place at the college.

Ilyda Chua | August 03, 2024, 03:53 AM



Warning: This article contains descriptions of violence. Reader discretion is advised. 

Videos showing a number of bullying incidents, which occurred at ITE College Central, have been making the rounds online.

In the videos, youths who appear to be teens could be seen kicking, punching, and mocking the victims as a crowd of onlookers watched.

A few of the onlookers were seen filming.

It is not known when the videos were recorded.

At a stairwell

The bullying took place at an unidentified stairwell.

Some of those present could be seen observing from the steps.

Those who were filming did so with their phones, while others cheered.

Video from Telegram

The bullying got physical when the torment escalated to assaults, culminating in punches, slaps, and even roundhouse kicks.

In other incidents, the teens would also humiliate the victims through other means.

One boy was made to kneel and kiss the shoes of a fellow student, while being kicked and slapped.

Video from SgFollowsAll/Telegram

Another was made to suffer through another youth's blows, as a third student filmed and egged them on.

"Look up, say hi," one told the victim, telling him to face the crowd of onlookers.

Video from SgFollowsAll/Telegram

ITE's response

In response to Mothership's queries, the principal of ITE College Central, Suresh Natarajan, said the school is aware of the videos and the "bullying incidents" at the college, and is investigating:

"As an educational institution, we strive to provide all our students with a safe, caring and supportive environment. The college takes a serious view on bullying and will not hesitate to take disciplinary action against students found in breach of our code of conduct.

We urge students who witness such incidents to report the matter to their lecturers immediately.

We will also reach out to the victims and their family members to extend our support."


If you or someone you know are in mental distress, here are some hotlines you can call to seek help, advice, or just a listening ear:

SOS 24-hour Hotline: 1-767

Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019

Institute of Mental Health: 6389-2222 (24 hours)

Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788 (for primary school-aged children)

Top image from Telegram