StarHub broadband customers experiencing disruptions across S'pore on Aug. 20 evening

Uh oh.

Ruth Chai


August 20, 2024, 09:14 PM



UPDATE on Aug. 20 at 9:15pm: StarHub said it has rerouted traffic, and that broadband and TV+ services should back online progressively.

Some StarHub customers are experiencing disruptions to their broadband service on the evening of Aug. 20, 2024.

The Downdetector website indicated a spike in reports of users experiencing Starhub problems at around 6pm.

Photo via Downdetector

Customers took to commenting on the most recent social media post by StarHub, seeking updates.

The commenters shared that their Broadband connections were down in their respective parts of Singapore, with some saying that they could not access StarHub's TV service as well.

StarHub representatives have been replying to such comments since around 7:30pm, offering "basic troubleshooting steps" including rebooting one's devices and referring users to troubleshooting instructions on its website.

StarHub working on the issue

The service provider then addressed the matter on its social media pages at around 8pm.

It said that its team is "working to resolve the issue promptly", apologised for the inconvenience caused to customers, and promised updates "as soon as possible".

They issued an update to the situation at 9:15pm:

"We’ve successfully rerouted traffic, and you should start seeing your broadband and TV+ services coming back online progressively. If you’re still facing issues, we recommend trying a quick reboot of your router. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue."

Mothership has reached out to StarHub for more information on the disruption.

Top photo via Downdetector and Beh Keng Aik/Google Maps

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