Motorcyclist in S'pore pulls up & greets 'biker chick', but voice cracks & life becomes awkward & lonely

Beware of secondhand embarrassment while reading this.

Ashley Tan | August 19, 2024, 03:41 PM



What would you do if you committed a faux pas in front of your "eye candy"?

For Sharil Berlandier, who is a motorcyclist and content creator, the world became privy to how he reacted in such a situation.

This was after Sharil filmed an encounter with a fellow motorcyclist on the road he found attractive — only to blow it in 0.1 seconds.

For the uninitiated, Sharil typically films his bike rides using a GoPro, and frequently posts videos of interesting or quirky encounters on his rounds to his social media channels.


One such awkward encounter of his recently garnered over 5.1 million views on TikTok and 30.6 million views on Instagram.

Captioned, "How to approach a biker chick", the video showed him pulling up to said "biker chick" on a pink motorcycle at a traffic junction.

Sharil proceeded to say, "Hi".

All was well until the word "Hi" slipped from his lips, and his voice cracked like a prepubescent boy.

The fellow biker did a double take and uttered a "Hah?", while Sharil repeated his greeting, this time without his voice cracking.

Still embarrassed, Sharil muttered a "Sh*t", and suffice to say, the conversation ended there and then.

In a moment of awkwardness, he even pulled up the weather app on his phone.

Photo from sharil.b / TikTok

When the traffic light turned green, the woman immediately rode off with nary a glance back, as Sharil let out a despondent "F*ck".

You can watch the full video here, but try not to cringe too much:

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A post shared by Sharil B (@sharil_berlandier)

Unsurprisingly, Sharil wasn't spared from the roasting in the comments section.

What would you do?

Top photo from sharil.b / TikTok