
Pigeon defeats anti-bird doors by dining inside tray return point at ABC Brickworks food centre

It has defeated the system.

Ruth Chai
Belmont Lay


August 26, 2024, 03:58 PM



A pigeon in Singapore has successfully defeated the system.

This was after the bottom-dwelling bird was seen dining inside the tray return point equipped with automated anti-bird doors, which was built for the sole purpose of keeping birds out.

A video shared on TikTok showed the bird pecking away at a plate of leftover food in the tray return point, as the automated doors opened and shut.

Its act of sheer defiance, likely unbeknownst to itself, was a hoot.

via @limpeh72 TikTok

Anti-bird doors on trial

The automated doors are supposed to allow diners to leave their used plates, trays, and cutlery inside after their meals.

The movement of the doors was supposed to deter birds from entering and picking at leftovers.

The doors will automatically open when diners approach the rack, and close about 15 seconds after they leave.

via Ronald Lim/ Facebook

Steven Lim, Chairman of the ABC Brickworks Business Association, told Lianhe Zaobao previously that they had received complaints from diners about pigeons and other birds scavenging for food at the premises.

Some expressed concerns about hygiene with birds loitering at tray return points.

The food centre has cleaners supervising the return points, but there will be times when they need to send the dishes for washing, or to return them to the stalls, it was also reported.

That is usually when the birds would flock to the racks.

The anti-bird doors were developed as a solution to the issue.

More anti-bird doors to be built

The association worked with the tray return point contractor to install one set of automated doors, as part of a trial from Jun. 3.

Lim added that installation on a second set of automated doors had started, and that they will continue to monitor the situation while installing the doors one by one.

All five tray return points at the hawker centre are expected to be similarly equipped.

Feedback from diners

Some diners have provided feedback that the automated doors were an inconvenience as used plates, trays, and utensils could only be placed inside the tray return point through the front when the automated doors were open.

This causes crowding at times when multiple diners approach the tray return point at the same time.

Top photos via @limpeh72 TikTok


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