PM Wong has been 'diligently' learning Malay to deliver his first rally speech

When he was young, his parents would occasionally converse in Malay between themselves, but he didn't manage to pick up the language fully.

Ruth Chai | August 18, 2024, 06:55 PM



In his first National Day Rally speech in Malay on Aug. 18, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that he had been diligently working on his Malay to address the nation.

PM Wong said that the Malay/Muslim leaders have worked closely with all Prime Ministers - the late Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Chok Tong, Lee Hsien Loong - on many issues over the years.

Wong assured Singaporeans that he will remain committed to ensuring a close partnership between the Malay/Muslim community and the government, as both parties dealt with important issues head on and with courage.

Ministry of Digital Development and Information.

His background

When PM Wong was young, his parents would occasionally converse in Malay between themselves, as his father was from Ipoh and his mother was from Kampong Amber in Singapore.

However, he did not learn the language properly in his youth.

Hence, PM Wong is "diligently learning it now".

"I hope that my Malay will improve," he said, thanking everyone for their encouragement.

Photo via Ministry of Home Affairs.

PM Wong added that he sometimes meets his Malay friends from the same schools he was in - Haig Boys and TK Tech - and noted that they and their children have done well.

"Heartened" to see Malay community excel

PM Wong said that he was "heartened" to see the Malay community progress and excel, especially amongst younger members, who are also active in their communities.

Engaging with several Malay youths and leaders, he was hopeful to hear that many will be pursuing "exciting business opportunities".

"Success has many definitions, and we celebrate all of them," he said, bringing up examples of Malay professionals in educational technology, biotechnology, music and the legal field.

"We have made progress because of the longstanding partnership and trust between the Malay community, other communities and the government," PM Wong said.

He also added that the country has dealt with issues such as improving education attainment, countering radicalisation, and uplifting vulnerable segments "head on and with courage".

During these instances, the Malay/Muslim community has rallied together with determination, and with a strong sense of "gotong-royong".

"Gotong-royong" is a phrase that originated in Indonesia, and refers to a cooperative spirit in the community.

Photo via People's Association MESRA.

As Prime Minister, he assured that he will remain committed to ensuring a close partnership between the Malay/Muslim community and the government.

"I will support you in your efforts to build a Malay/Muslim community that is modern and progressive, while still maintaining your distinctive customs and way of life."

Top photo via Lawrence Wong's Youtube