Tarp at Kampung Admiralty collapses in heavy rain, 'waterfall' descends on SkillsFuture Festival
Don't rain on their parade. I mean, festival.

Having a bad day?
Probably not as bad as the day these people had at the Aug. 4 SkillsFuture Festival.
Video from SGFollowsAll
Amid the heavy rain, the tarp covering the roof of the Kampung Admiralty building collapsed, causing a miniature "waterfall" to descend from the skies.
Rain, rain
In a video shared on Telegram page SGFollowsAll, the tarp could be seen straining under the weight of the pooled rainwater before giving way.
Photo from SGFollowsAll/Telegram
A passer-by who posted a video of the aftermath on Facebook page Complaint Singapore said that the tarp broke at around 1:45pm on Aug. 4.
The man, who gave his name as Vincent, told Mothership that he had been on his way to lunch when he saw "water gushing down and [heard] many people screaming".
He added in the Facebook caption that several items were damaged in the rain.
The flooring was also visibly soaked.
Photo from Vincent/Facebook
After the initial leak, the tarp then gave way at another section, leading to a second downpour and a number of startled shrieks.
Video from Vincent/Facebook
In contrast, here's what the tarp looked like before the incident:
Photo from SGFollowsAll/Telegram
Photo from SGFollowsAll/Telegram
SkillsFuture Festival
According to SkillsFuture SG (SSG)'s Telegram page, Aug. 4 was the second and last day of the SkillsFuture Festival @ North West, the event held at Kampung Admiralty.
This week's events will all be held virtually, said a subsequent post on Aug. 4.
Photo from SSG/Telegram
In response to Mothership's queries, an SSG spokesperson confirmed the incident and said that the affected area had already been cordoned off at the time of the tarp's collapse at 1:45pm.
"There are no injuries to members of the public or staff," the spokesperson said.
Mothership has reached out to the Sembawang Town Council for comment.
Top image from SGFollowsAll/Telegram and Vincent/Facebook